Figure 23. A satirical image, “Today’s Elite Student,” from Osaka Manga Shimbun, March 15, 1909. The artist criticized these elite youths as depraved by filling the eyes with images of bathing women and a coin, draping a half-dressed woman over his forehead, stuffing his ears with a party drum and gift box, and giving him a sniveling nose for obsequity and a double tongue for duplicity. From Osaka Manga Shimbun.

Figure 25. An aerial photograph of Kōshien Stadium in 1931, taken by an Asahi Newspaper photographer. Comparing this to figure 1, it is remarkable how much the stadium in 2014 retained of its original shape and design. Note, however, that the center field wall in 1931 was not arc shaped but ran straight across from left field to right field. The “Alps” sections had been added to the right and left infield in 1929.