1968 |
“A Marxian Analysis of the Slum,” B.A. honors thesis in anthropology, Amherst College |
1980 |
“Water Control in an Agrarian State: Irrigation Organization in a Japanese River Basin, 1600-1870, Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Brandeis University |
2007 |
“Why Is Japanese Farming Culturally Central and Economically Marginal? Rice Revolutions and Farm Families in a Tohoku Region.” Posted on June 20 at The Asia Pacific E-Journal: Japan Focus |
2008 |
“Is Baseball a Global Sport? America’s “National Pastime” as Global Field and International Sport,” Posted on May 4 at The Asia Pacific E-Journal: Japan Focus |
2009 |
Asia Pride, China Fear, Tokyo Anxiety: Japan Looks Back at 2008 Beijing and Forward to 2012 London and 2016 Tokyo” Posted on June 8 at The Asia Pacific E-Journal: Japan Focus |
2009 |
[co-authored with John Godley] Yale Golf: The Players, The Teams, and The Course. New Haven: Marvelwood Press. |