Articles and chapters

Articles and Chapters

1976 The Development of Irrigation and Drainage on Shōnai Plain,” Transactions of the Tōhō Gakkai (Tokyo) 21:61-78.
1978 Participation in Illegal Activities.” In George N. Appell, ed., Ethical Dilemmas in Anthropological Inquiry: A Case Book, pp. 67-76. Waltham, MA: Crossroads Press.
1983 Concepts in the Anthropological Study of Irrigation,” American Anthropologist 85(4):880-86.
1986 Rationalization and Nostalgia: Cultural Dynamics of New Middle Class Japan,” American Ethnologist 13(4):603-618.
1987 Rethinking Rural Festivals in Contemporary Japan,” Japan Foundation Newsletter 15(2):12-15.
1988 Japanology Bashing” (Review essay of Images of Japanese Society by Mouer & Sugimoto; The Myth of Japanese Uniqueness by P. Dale; Nihongo by R. A. Miller). American Ethnologist 15(2):365-368.
1990 Japanese No-Noh: The Crosstalk of Public Culture in a Rural Festivity,” Public Culture 2(2):65-81.
1990 Regional Japan: The Price of Prosperity and the Benefits of Dependency,” Daedalus 119(3):207-227. [English version; also reprinted in Carol Gluck and Stephen R. Graubard, eds., Showa: The Japan of Hirohito, pp. 209-227. New York: W. W. Norton, 1992].
1990 日本の地方:中央依存の繁栄」 Inアエスチオン (ed.), 『日米の昭和』, pp. 241-257. 東京: TBSブリタニカ。[Translation of “Regional Japan” by Aestion staff]
1990 Japanese Farmers,” Wilson Quarterly 14(4, autumn):34-41.
1991 Directions in the Anthropology of Contemporary Japan,” Annual Review of Anthropology 20:395-431.
1992 Rural Society in Japan: Past and Present.” In Myron L. Cohen (ed.), Guide to Asian Case Studies in the Social Sciences, pp. 127-136. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe.
1992 Tractors, Television, and Telephones: Reach Out and Touch Someone in Rural Japan.” In Joseph J. Tobin (ed.), Re-made in Japan: Everyday Life and Consumer Taste in a Changing Society, pp. 77-88. New Haven: Yale University Press.
1993 Finding a Place in Metropolitan Japan: Ideologies, Institutions, and Everyday Life.” In Andrew Gordon (ed.), Postwar Japan as History, pp. 189-216. Berkeley: University of California Press.
1993 Japan’s Debates about an Aging Society: The Later Years in the Land of the Rising Sun,” in Lee Cohen (ed.), Justice Across Generations: What Does it Mean?, pp. 153-168. Washington: Public Policy Institute, American Association of Retired Persons.
1994 Incendiary Actions: Fire and Firefighting in the Shogun’s Capital and the People’s City.” In James L. McClain, John M. Merriman, and Ugawa Kaoru (eds.), Edo and Paris: The State, Political Power, and Urban Life in Two Early-Modern Societies, pp. 310-330. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
1995 江戸における火消し:幕府の首都――民衆の都市における火災と消防活動」。 In Ugawa Kaoru, John M. Merriman, and James L. McClain (eds.), 『江戸とパリ』, pp. 441-472. 東京: 岩田書院. [A translation of “Incendiary Actions” by Sakata Toshio 酒田俊夫]
1997 How to Cheer a Japanese Baseball Team: An Anthropologist in the Bleachers,” Japan Quarterly, October-December, pages 66-79.
1997 Summer’s Kōshien-A Field of Dreams and Drama,Asahi Evening News, page 8, August 7.
1997 黒川能:農民芸能と祭りにおける中央と地方のダイナミックス」。『年報近代日本研究』19:304-321.
1997 農と庄内:地方社会の発展と危機」 『山形大学紀要』54:34-39.
1997 「農と庄内の人々の暮らし」庄内日報, page 4, June 26.
1997 論壇:甲子園、複雑にして多様な空間」朝日新聞、page 4, July 30
1997 野球:ノモとイラブの活躍がアメリカ人の“サムライ野球異質論”を一変させた」 SAPIO, August, pp. 18-19
1998 Same Sport, Different Structure,” LOOK Japan 44(510):28-29.
1998 Blood and Guts in Japanese Professional Baseball.” In Sepp Linhart and Sabine Frühstück (eds.), The Culture of Japan as Seen Through Its Leisure, pp. 95-112. Albany: SUNY Press.
1998 Learning to Swing: Oh Sadaharu and the Pedagogy and Practice of Japanese Professional Baseball.” In John Singleton (ed.), Learning in Likely Places, pp. 422-458. New York: Cambridge University Press.
1998 Compromis avec la Modernité: Ethnographie et Vie Quotidienne dans une Plaine Rizicole du Japon,” Anthropologie et Sociétés 22(3):13-22.
1999 日本プロ野球と大リーグ:比較文化的アプローチ.” In 宇佐美陽 (editor) 『プロ野球観戦学』, pp. 5-19. Tokyo: 時事通信社.
1999 愛すべき阪神タイガース応援団:文化人類学的アプローチ.」 In 宇佐美陽 (editor) 『プロ野球観戦学』, pp. 21-28. Tokyo: 時事通信社.
2000 The Spirit and Spectacle of School Baseball: Mass Media, Statemaking, and ‘Edu-tainment’ in Japan, 1905-1935,” in Umesao Tadao, William Kelly, and Kubo Masatoshi (eds.), Japanese Civilization in the Modern World XIV: Information and Communication, pages 105-116. Senri Ethnological Studies #52. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
2000 Caught in the Spin Cycle: An Anthropological Observer at the Sites of Japanese Professional Baseball,” in Susan O. Long (ed.), Moving Targets: Ethnographies of Self and Community in Japan, pages 137-149. Cornell University East Asia Papers.
2000 On Doing Anthropological Fieldwork in Japan,” in Watabe Masakazu (ed.), Japanese Studies: Over the Past Century and New Directions for the Twenty-First Century, pages 187-200. Brigham Young Press, for Middlebury Japanese Language School.
2001 都会における場の発見: 制度,イデオロギー,日常生活.」 In Andrew Gordon (editor), 『歴史としての戦後日本』 <下巻>. Pp. 267-305. Tokyo: みすず書房. [Translation of “Finding a Place” by Shirashima Yoshihiko 白島義彦]
2002 At the Limits of New Middle Class Japan: Beyond Mainstream Consciousness,” in Olivier Zunz, Leonard Shoppa, and Nobuhiro Hiwatari (eds.), Social Contracts Under Stress: The Middle Classes of America, Europe and Japan at the Turn of the Century, pages 232-254. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
2002 Baseball in Japan:The National Game Beyond National Character,” in Baseball as America, pages 47-52. Washington, DC: National Geographic Society <in conjunction with the National Baseball Hall of Fame>
2002 Failure in Sport: Accepting Disappointment in Japanese Professional Baseball,” IIAS Newsletter, number 28, August
2003 スポッツにおける敗北:日本のプロ野球は失意をどう意味づけるのか」 『スポッツ社会学研究』 11: 1-12
2004 Introduction: Locating the Fans” in William W. Kelly (ed.), Fanning the Flames: Fandoms and Consumer Culture in Contemporary Japan, pages 1-16. Albany: SUNY Press.
2004 Sense and Sensibility at the Ball Park: What Japanese Fans Make of Professional Baseball,” in William W. Kelly (ed.), Fanning the Flames: Fandoms and Consumer Culture in Contemporary Japan, pages 79-108. Albany: SUNY Press.
2006 (with Merry I. White) “Students, Slackers, Singles, Seniors, and Strangers: Transforming a Family-Nation,” in Peter Katzenstein and Tadashi Shiraishi (editors), Japan and Asia: The Dynamics of East Asian Regionalism , pages 62-83. Ithaca: Cornell University Press
2006 Rice Revolutions and Farm Families in a Tohoku Region: Why is Farming Cultural Central and Economically Marginal?” in Christopher S. Thompson and John W. Traphagan (editors), Wearing Cultural Styles in Japan: Concepts of Tradition and Modernity in Practice. Albany: SUNY Press.
2006 Japan: The Hanshin Tigers and Professional Baseball in Japan,” in George Gmelch (editor), Baseball Without Borders: The International Pastime, pp. 22-42. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
2006 Fear and Loathing of Americans Doing Japan Anthropology,” in Joy Hendry (editor) Dismantling the East-West Dichotomy: Views from Japanese Anthropology, pp. 133-140. London: Curzon Press.
2007   Introduction: Sports and Sport Studies in Japan” in William W. Kelly (editor), This Sporting Life: Sports and Body Culture in Modern Japan, pp. 1-24. New Haven: Yale University Council on East Asian Studies.
2007  Men at Work or Boys of Summer? The Workplaces of Professional Baseball in Contemporary Japan,” in William W. Kelly (editor), This Sporting Life: Sports and Body Culture in Modern Japan, pp. 242-267. New Haven: Yale University Council on East Asian Studies.
2007 Is Baseball a Global Sport? America’s ‘National Pastime’ as Global Field and International Sport,” Global Networks: A Journal of Transnational Affairs 7(2): 187-201.
2007 Writing the Dissertation, Writing the Book: Not the Same Thing?” JAWS Newsletter, Number 41, pp. 47-50
2009 Samurai Baseball: The Vicissitudes of a National Sporting Style,” International Journal of the History of Sport 26(3, March): 429-441
2010 Asia Pride, China Fear, Tokyo Anxiety: Japan Looks Back at 2008 Beijing and Forward to 2012 London and 2016 Tokyo,” International Journal of the History of Sport 27(14): 2428 – 2439
2011 Kōshien Stadium: Performing National Virtues and Regional Rivalries in a ‘Theater of Sport,’” Sport in Society 14(4): 481-493
2011 The Sportscape of Contemporary Japan,” in Theodore C. Bestor and Victoria Lyon Bester (editors), The Routledge Handbook of Japanese Society and Culture, pages 251-262. New York: Routledge
2011 “Preface,” in William W Kelly and Susan Brownell (editors), The Olympics in East Asia: Nationalism, Regionalism, and Globalism on the Center Stage of World Sports. Pages 1-4. CEAS Occasional Publications. Volume 3. New Haven: Yale University Council on East Asian Studies
2011 Beijing 2008 and the Limits of Exceptionalism,” in William W Kelly and Susan Brownell (editors), The Olympics in East Asia: Nationalism, Regionalism, and Globalism on the Center Stage of World Sports. Pages 5-18. CEAS Occasional Publications. Volume 3. New Haven: Yale University Council on East Asian Studies
2011 Olympic Normalcy: Why Beijing 2008 Wasn’t Exceptional,” International Journal of the History of Sport 28(16):2261-2270
2011 Normalidad Olímpica: Por qué Beijing 2008 no fue excepcional,” Citius, Altius, Fortius: Humanismo, Sociedad y Deporte: Investigaciones y Ensayos 4(1):55-72. [Spanish translation of “Olympic Normalcy”]
2012 Tohoku’s Futures: Predicting Outcomes or Imagining Possibilities?,” The Asia Pacific E-Journal: Japan Focus. Published online, March 5.
2013 Adversity, Acceptance, and Accomplishment: Female Athletes in Japan’s Modern Sportsworld,” Asia-Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science 2(2): 1-13
2013 Japan’s Embrace of Soccer: Mutable Ethnic Players and Flexible Soccer Citizenship in the New East Asian Sports Order,” International Journal of the History of Sport 30(11):1235-1246
2013 Introduction: Looking Back at a Book that Looks Forward,” in Ezra Vogel, Japan’s New Middle Class [Third edition], pages xiii-xxi. Lanham, MD and Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield.
2013 Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue: New Directions in Japan Sport Social Science,” Asia-Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science 2(3): 141-145
2014 Sex Education and the Dynamics of Contemporary Japan: An Appreciation of the Scholarship of Yukari Kawahara,” 早稲田大学文学学術院文化人類学年報 8: 1-4.
2014 Globalisation, Soccer, and the Sportsworlds of Japan, Australia and the United States,” in Jeremy Breadon, Stacey Steele, and Carolyn Stevens (editors), Internationalizing Japan as Discourse and Practice. Chapter 9, pages 142-157. London: Routledge.
2014 Beyond the Bibliometrics We Have to the Bibliometrics We Need,” in Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung/Foundation (editors). Beyond Bibliometrics: Identifying the Best. Pages 20-21. Berlin: Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung/Foundation.
2015 Sport Fans and Fandoms,” in Richard Giulianotti (editor), Routledge Handbook of Sport Sociology. Chapter 32, pages 313-322. London: Routledge.
2016 Digital Technologies, Virtual Communities, Electronic Fieldwork: The Slow Social Science Adapts to High-Tech Japan,” in Roger Sanjek and Susan Tratner (eds.).  eFieldnotes: The Makings of Anthropology in the Digital World. Chapter 2, pages 28-41. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
2016 ローカルな生活世界から見える現代日本: 日本をフィールドにした人類学者の目から」. Translated by Katō Hisako 加藤久子. In Inoue Junji 井上 順孝 and Kokugakuin University Institute of Japanese Culture 國學院大學日本文化研究所 (editors), pages 141-178. Tokyo: 春秋社.
2016 Harold W. Scheffler (1932-2015),” American Anthropologist 118(3):710-713.
2016 [With Laura Dales and Aline Henninger]. “Interview: JAWS From the Deep,” JAWS Newsletter 51:64-73.
2017 Japan: Professional Baseball in 21st-Century Japan,” in George Gmelch and Daniel Nathan (editors), Baseball without Borders: The International Pastime, pages 183-201. Second edition. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
2017 Allen Guttmann, Cross-Disciplinary Champion of an Interdisciplinary Field,” Journal of Sport History 44(1):80-85.
2017 “Introduction: Asia to the Center of Global Sports,” in Ren Tianwei (editor), The Olympic Games: Asia Rising–London 2012 and Tokyo 2020. Beijing: Communication University of China Press.
2017 What Does Sport Tell Us About the Artifice of Sport and Technology? Bio-technological Entities at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games,” Global Perspectives on Japan 1(1): 157-176
2017 From Gender Binary to Sport Androgyny? Female Athletes in Japan’s Modern Sportsworld,” in Peter Horton (editor), Manufacturing Masculinity. Chapter 7, pages 111-128. Berlin: Logos Verlag
2018 Bodies in Motion: An Epilogue,” Japanese Studies 38(1):93-101
2018 The Ubiquitous Baseball Cap: Identity, Style, and Comfort in Late Modern Times,” Journal of Consumer Culture 18(2): 261-278.
2018 “Malinowski, Bronislaw (1884-1942),” in Hilary Callan (general editor), International Encyclopedia of Anthropology. London: Wiley-Blackwell.
2018 “Introduction: Asia to the Center of Global Sports,” in Ren Tianwei (editor), Media, Sport, Nationalism. London: Routledge.
2019 “The Asian Sportscape: Hubs of Play and Flows of Contention,” in Helen Siu, Eric Tagliacozzo, and Peter C. Perdue (editors)Asia Inside Out, volume 3. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
 2019 “Introduction” to Ruth Benedict, The Chrysanthemum and the Sword. Rutland and Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle.